


( This is an excerpt used as an oral introduction of the debating competition )

 Now, we are judging other students by ourselves in the competition, so please remember that there are five criteria on which you are to be judged, and they are, of course, going to be important for you contestants to follow to get higher marks in your match.

 The first criterion is, “teamwork.”
 Now imagine a team whose leader keeps talking, on and on, but the other members are dead quite. No matter how good his or her speech is, it is against the spirit of teamwork. So you need to keep in mind that all of you, all the members in your team are going to take part in the debate and say something. It is always nice to be able to help your teammate in need, like when your partner can’t remember something; you are the one who helps. Teamwork is essential in this competition.
 The second criterion is, “objecting”
 Imagine a would-be debate between these two;
 “I like baseball because you can play it outside”
 “I like basketball because it’s exciting”
 “I like baseball because it’s exciting・・・”
Well, is it a positive, constructive debating? I don’t think so. It’s nothing but an immature, childish conversation. I would say, “OK, you can play it outside. But what if it rains? When it comes to rain, basketball is one point ahead.” Objecting not only disturbs the rival team but also makes your opinion stronger. So objecting is very important.

 The third one is, “manner.”
 Taro, can you stand up and say something to support cell phones?
 “(in a loud voice) No! Your idea is absolutely wrong. You’re crazy if you ask me! Cell phones can be used in illegal activities, and quite a few people have been involved in crimes…”
 Well, how does it sound?
 Yes, not nice, or hostile. Totally unfriendly.
 The very first purpose of debate is, not defeating the rival team, but expanding our viewpoints. So in the debate, you could say,
 “Oh, I agree with you to some extent, but-”
 “That makes sense. But-”
 “You make a point, but-” And so on and so forth.
 Let’s keep a good manner. You can smile, nod and even praise someone in your rival team every now and then.

 The fourth criterion, “data”
 Now, please compare the following two statements;
  A: “English is spoken all over the world, so it’s an important language.”
  B: “English is spoken by as many as 1.5 billion people in the world today, and what’s more, about 90 percent of all the Internet sites are written in English. So it’s an important language.”
 Well, how did the two sound? Wasn’t the latter much more convincing?
 Try to use specific examples and numbers in your speech. That supports your opinion a lot.
 The last but not least, “English skill”
 I’ve told you about all sorts of tips, but after all, it’s English that counts. Good English, that is. But mind you, when I say “good English,” it doesn’t necessarily mean, say, difficult idioms or mouthful terms. The key is, to make your point clear. So you can use easier phrases so that the teammates, the rival team and your audience can understand you. You can sometimes slow down, and emphasize what you want others to hear.

 Let me summarize; “teamwork”, “objecting”, “manner”, “data” and “good English.”
 When you prepare for the coming debate, please keep them in mind.

 ディベートの題材は@生徒の関心が高い、身の回りのもの A平易なもの の2点に留意して作ります。下記は1例です。医療問題や政治問題等、は必然、避けるべきでしょう。
 私が過去行ったものとしては、『冬より夏の方が良い季節である』『電子辞書より紙の辞書の方が良い』『映画館よりレンタルビデオの方が良い』『学校のチャイムは必要である』『校内での携帯電話を認めるべきである』『都会暮らしの方が 田舎暮らしより良い』『共学より男子校の方が良い』『動物園はなくすべきだ』『日本はオリンピックを主催すべきだ』『クリスマスはあるべきだ』『修学旅行は国内旅行であるべきだ』『日本は移民を多く受け入れるべきだ』『学校に昼寝の時間を設けるべきだ』『週休2日制に すべきだ』『制服は必要である』『死刑は廃止すべきだ』『体育祭は隔年行事にすべきだ』『小学生に英語を教えるべきだ』『宿題はなくすべきだ(←盛り上がる)』とその反論があります。

主張\大会の係 『チームワーク』の判定 『反論』の判定 『マナー』の判定 主張\大会の係 『データ』の判定 『英語力』の判定 チャイム・タイムキーパー
@冬より夏の方が良い季節である * name name @夏より冬の方が良い季節である name name name
A電子辞書より紙の辞書の方が良い name name name A紙の辞書より電子辞書の方が良い name name name
B映画館よりレンタルビデオの方が良い name name name Bレンタルビデオより映画館の方が良い name name name
C学校のチャイムは必要である name name name C学校のチャイムは必要ない name name name
D学校は生徒の携帯電話を認めるべきである name name name D学校は生徒の携帯電話を認めるべきでない name name name
E都会暮らしの方が田舎暮らしより良い name name name E田舎暮らしの方が都会暮らしより良い name name name






中高一貫校・高校2年生・英検2級 Y.K.君



