



 We are going to play "English Race" today.
 Now, this activity needs groups of four students.
 So please put your desks together and make a group of four students.
 And you can put away your textbooks, notebooks and stuff from your desk today.


 Those who are sitting nearest from the blackboard, can you raise your hand?
 Now, you are leader of your team.
 Leaders, please come up to my desk, teacher's desk and get one sheet of paper and a pen.
 Draw a face of someone in your group in 3 minutes.
 This face is going to be your group character.
 When your character is ready, please come back here again and put it up on the blackboard with these magnets.


 Now let me explain the rule of this activity.
 Look at what I have here.
 I have some envelopes.
 First, one of your group members come to the teacher's desk.
 You get an envelop, and go back to your group.
 Unclip it, and you'll find some words in it.
 Put the words in order so that they are arranged in the correct way.
 Then you remember the sentence, and put the cards back into the envelope.
 Clip the envelop again, and come back to the teacher's desk.


 All the members of your group can't come to my desk, mind you;
this place would be overcrowded! Just one student will do.
 Put the envelope on my hand and read the sentence out loud.
 If the sentence is correct, your character can go one block ahead.
 When wrong, you can't; you stay where you are.
 Who will reach the goal first?
 The top three winners will get some special gifts(チロルチョコとか拾った消しゴムとか…)!
 Yes, wow is right, are you ready?
 Now, before we begin this game, the three teams farthest from me,
please move your character one block ahead to compensate for the disadvantege.
 Ready set, go! (音楽をかける)


