
Spring Bingospring

 Today, let's learn some words and phrases that you often hear in spring.
 Take a look at your handout.
 You're looking at 25 blank boxes and 24 words and phrases.
 Repeat after me; Japanese apricot…
 I'll give you five minutes, so please fill in the boxes with the 24 words
and phrases.
 But, mind you, you can NEVER use the same word TWICE!
 Write English; you don't have to write Japanese meanings.
 In the middle, please draw your favorite picture which is related to
 (On the blackboard) As for me, my favorite is cherry blossoms.
 This is a "Free Space", meaning you've already got this box.

 (in five minutes)
 Now, let's begin the bingo.
 Who is born in spring? Raise your hand.
 (To those who raise hand)You're lucky. You can circle and get one box, NOW!
 Let me explain the rule of this bingo.
 I'll read one word after another at random.
 So please circle the word with your pen or highlighter.
 When you get THREE rows, you say "Bingo!"
 The first ten winners are going to get some prize!
 So when you win, please come up to the front.




Japanese apricot 梅の花
cherry blossoms 桜の花
edible wild plants 山菜
fresh green 新緑
picnic ピクニック
hiking ハイキング
clover クローバー
tulip チューリップ
dandelion タンポポ
bee ミツバチ
butterfly 蝶
song 鳥のさえずり
strawberry イチゴ
cabbage キャベツ
the Doll’s Festival ひな祭り
April Fools’ Day エイプリルフール
graduation ceremony卒業式
entrance ceremony入学式
parting 別れ
meeting 出会い
lingering snow 残雪
spring vacation 春休み
pollen 花粉
hay fever 花粉症
