
Tricky Quiz



@A man and his wife have five daughters.
 Each of the daughters has a brother.
 How many people are there in the family?

ASome months have 30 days, and some have 31 days.
 How many months have 29 days?

BHow much dirt is in a hole with the dimensions 2 meters by 2 meters by 2 meters?

CA man is driving down the road with his son and he gets in a car crash.
 Two ambulances come and they take the man and his son to different hospitals.
 The son goes into the operation room. The doctor looks at him and says,
 “I can’t operate on this boy ? he’s my son!” How is that possible?

DHow do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

dimensions 寸法 2 meters by 2 meters by 2 meters 2m×2m×2m
car crash 自動車衝突事故 ambulances 救急車
operation room 手術室 operate 手術するgiraffe キリンrefrigerator 冷蔵庫


@ANSWER : There are eight people in the family (the father, the mother, five daughters and one brother).
AANSWER : 12 months.
BANSWER : No dirt. (8 cubic meters「8立方メーター」はダメ)
CANSWER : The doctor is the boy’s mother.
DANSWER : Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door.

