Christmas Bingo
クリスマス ビンゴ
Today, let's learn some words and phrases that you often hear in Christmas season.
Take a look at your handout.
You're looking at 25 blank boxes and 24 words and phrases.
Repeat after me; Santa Claus…
I'll give you five minutes, so please fill in the boxes with the 24 words and phrases.
But, mind you, you can NEVER use the same word TWICE!
Write English; you don't have to write Japanese meanings.
In the middle, please draw your favorite picture which is related to winter.
(On the blackboard) As for me, my favorite is - snowman.
This is a "Free Space", meaning you've already got this box.
(in five minutes)
Now, let's begin the bingo.
Who is born in December? Raise your hand.
(To those who raise their hand)You're lucky. You can circle and get one box NOW!
Let me explain the rule of this bingo.
I'll read one word after another at random.
So please circle the word with your pen or highlighter.
When you get THREE rows, you say "Bingo!"
The first ten winners are going to get some prize!
So when you win, please come up to the front.
Santa Claus サンタクロース
sleigh そり
reindeer トナカイ
bell 鈴
stocking くつ下
gift 贈り物
toy おもちゃ
fireplace 暖炉
ribbon リボン
Christmas tree クリスマスツリー
decoration 装飾
family 家族
love 愛
laughter 笑い声
song 歌
cake ケーキ
turkey 七面鳥
candle ろうそく
champagne シャンパン
winter 冬
snow 雪
street lights 街灯
carol 聖歌
church 教会