@ 画用紙を小さく切り分けたもの(4〜5センチ四方くらいの四角形)を一人一枚ずつ配る。
A "Draw a favorite monster in the middle of your piece of paper." (生徒は自由にモンスターの絵を描く)
B "Fold the paper into two and place it in front of you, on your desk." (生徒は紙を2つ折りにして、机に置く)
C "If you defeat the monter five times with your left hand, WITHOUT touching the paper, you can be seated." (教師が実践、左手で両ほっぺたを軽くたたき、紙を倒す。生徒を立たせ、同じことをするよう促す)
D "I'll give you the first clue. '(板書)Move your hand from right to left.'"
E "Here comes the second hint; '(板書)Your fingers must be put together.'"
F "Let me give you the third clue. '(板書)Your hands can be used as a fan.'"